By now, Austerlitz was supposed to be out. Ancient Pub Battles was supposed to be out. Germantown should be on the cusp of being released and 1st & 2nd Manassas should be ready for summer. What’s the hold up? Rules!!!
Before all of these new releases, we wanted to clarify and adjust a few things in the rules. We figured this would be a 1-2 week process. Wow were we off. Instead it developed into a raging and fierce debate among the design team and play testers. Months later, we are still at an impasse.
A play tester proposed a new approach to combat. This new method seemed to resolve many issues we were wrestling with, while simplifying and clarifying the rules to boot. Devout factions have now formed for and against this new proposal. Some love it. Some hate it. What should we do?
We would greatly appreciate input on this. Would you like to help us resolve this? We need more eyes on it.
I don’t want to lay out the details here in advance as that can bias and color your reception of the idea. Here’s how you can help:
- Download the new proposed rules here. This is only a proposal. This is NOT the official Pub Battles 3.0 update. This is also a first rough draft. Expect formatting errors.
- Print them out and play at least 3 complete Pub Battles games with the new rules. Try to keep an open mind. We all naturally resist any and all change at first. We are hard wired that way. You won’t like these at first just because they are different than what you are used to. It will seem strange and awkward. From my experience, it gets easier once your mind adjusts. It is not bad, just different.
- Give us some feedback by answering the following questions in comments below. You can send us a direct email if you prefer and feel free to add any other comments you may have.
- Do you like this approach better than the previous edition?
- Do you like this approach better than the original edition? (no FoE restrictions)
- Is this proposal consistent with the original Pub Battles concept? Simple, quick and realistic.
- Does this approach add more or less complexity?
- Does this approach make the game less fun, intense, or enjoyable?
- Does this approach make the game take longer to play? (once you are used to it)