Kriegsspeil is a game of Decisions. This is a great example of the types of things you run into from a real game. These are the types of things you don’t see in regular wargames but you see them all the time Kriegsspiel, as well as in real life!
You are J Grant. The officer in charge of the last Brigade in this column. Your orders this morning from the Army commander were to march north to the objective (marked by the flag to the right) in an attempt to flank the enemy before a pending battle. The baggage train is following on behind you.
When you reach the junction at Nice Town, you notice that Grant’s Brigade is marching north! NOT to the objective, not on the route described in your orders. You notice that the rest of the column does indeed appear to be marching in the way you were ordered.
What do you do?
I see a few basic options here. First, you could just follow Grant’s Brigade. The problem with this is that you don’t have orders to go that direction.
Second, you could just ignore Grant, turn right and continue on to the objective as ordered but why is he doing this? Has the mission changed?
What else could you do?
Carry out the order, we do not know the orders of the other brigades.
Send messages to Grant to confirm if he is fulfilling his orders correctly.
I like this answer!
My idea was maybe halt the march at the fork. Then personally ride ahead to catch up with Grant to find out what the deal is. Maybe he knows something I don’t. Maybe he can clarify this.
The problem with that is, Grant is most likely riding at the head of his unit. How much time will it take to get around all those guys and up to the front to meet Grant? Talk, decide and then ride back? All that lost time while my Brigade and the baggage train sits there. Delays like that could become critical as units start to engage! What if later the troops at the front can’t get resupplied because the baggage train is running an hour late now?
Agree with that. I must follow the orders.
Because different brigades should have different orders.
Because I do not have counter order.
Because bagage train will follow me, then follow the major command.
I will send a messenger to Grant to ascertain he does not go the wrong way.
The commander of the Brigade in front of you is also named: Grant. Grant and J. Grant. Two separate units.
Did the messenger deliver the message to the wrong Grant? As it happened, the regular army commander just fell ill. His second in command just took over and assumed command. This order was issued by the new, replacement army commander. Did he mistakenly think both of these units were all one unit? I’m not even sure if the new commander realized the baggage train was following behind this column.