All Pub Battles are naturally great for solitaire play. Germantown works exceptionally well! The British start off on the map. They are on defense. The Colonials enter anywhere along the north map edge. What makes this interesting is that there are 6 different roads that span all across this edge. There are also 5 different Colonial HQs with Reserve Cards.

If you’re not familiar with Pub Battles, the HQs mark the command’s position on the map but the forces are actually held off map, hidden from view behind these little screens. You place your hidden troops on the map as the enemy can spot your HQs but there is a dense fog at Germantown. The very short visibility range means your troops remain hidden almost until they attack.
The army sizes of the opposing forces are nearly identical. The British have a few less blocks but they make up for this in better quality. So how can the Colonials attack into 1:1 odds and still have a chance of winning this battle somehow? The British are attacked from 5 different directions at once. The large map spans a wide area. They can’t be everywhere!

Seven of the Colonial infantry blocks are full strength, regulars (like 3 SPs). Two are weak militia units (like 2 SPs). Three are small (1 SP) detachments. The problem for the British player is: which Colonial HQs are the main threat? The command could be 3 full regular infantry with artillery and baggage train logistical support for a sustained fight, OR it could just be 1 Militia. –or maybe just 1 or 2 Detachments, or any combination of the above. The British have no idea until they actually engage these forces and start fighting.

You can probably see where this is going. For an awesome solitaire game, all you have to do is setup and play as the British. Spread the Colonial HQs out and enter normally. Have them come in on different roads and march straight towards the British to attack. What is on their Reserve Cards? You have no idea!
Upon contact with a Colonial HQ, randomly determine what blocks it has in Reserve. There ya go. Virtually any combination would have been a good viable strategy in this battle. As the British player, you’ll have to intercept the Colonials to figure out what they have and where. After that, you’ll have to scramble to adjust your forces to meet the primary threat before it is too late.
This is very challenging, realistic and great fun!!
Give it a try and let us know how it goes in the comments below.