Help Wanted
We need help with the projects/tasks below. Is there anything on this list you can help with?
What’s in it for you?
We can’t offer lots of $$ now but here are some things you can get:
- Fame! We will give you recognition and credit in the rules and on our site for the work you do.
- Prestige! Getting involved and being seen on our projects will help to position you as an industry/Supremacy expert. It could build your resume and lead to bigger things later!
- You get to help develop and shape the future of gaming!
- You get a sneak preview of all the new products BEFORE they come out!
- Free stuff! Depending on how much time and effort you actually put into helping us, we can pay you in free loot: games, expansions and extra products, etc.
Rules Translations
Are you fluent in other languages? We need rules translated into:
Excel Visual Basic Macro
Are you good at Visual Basic? We have set up a spreadsheet to track points, money, resources and salaries etc. We need a little help creating a ‘calculate’ VB button. This should be quick and easy for somebody that is familiar with macros.
With Visual Basic, I think it is actually possible to sync this live over a network with multiple devices also…. This is more advanced but it would be a nice warm up project to the ones below.
Droid/iphone Apps
We are looking for someone that can help us program a mobile app that can track all the Strategic Reserve cards, money and keep a running score totaled in points. It should be able to sync all players live off of their individual devices during a game.
ipad/tablet game
Come up with a multi player version of the whole game online. This is a big project. Obviously, we don’t expect anybody to donate a huge amount of work for free. How can we make this work? Can we split the work up into chunks for a team? A good tablet version of this game has bigger commercial potential. We can cut you guys in for a percentage of the profits later. For some work up front, this could really pay off big later. We may even be able to scrounge up a few $$ to pay up front from our board game sales. Send us your ideas. How can we make this work?
Supremacy Expansions -design and play testing
Have ideas for new expansions? Would like to help refining and play testing them?
Game Design
Have ideas for other games that you think could do well? Let’s talk.